have many Packages to choose from. Here are some of
the most popular. For Birthday parties on the weekends
you can choose from our three time slots.
11AM till 6PM Seven days a week!
All Prices are within 20 miles of Norwalk, CA. Prices
out-side of our coverage area are subject to a fuel
Prices out-side of our coverage
range are subject to a fuel surcharge?
Party Train- 1 Hour
The party train allows you to book
the train ride part of your party a single block at
a time. The price for an hour is $200.00 with the
option of adding an extra half hour at just $50.00
more . You can choose from our three time slots 11AM
till 6PM . Seven days a week.
Party Train Express- 2 hours
If you expect your party to last
2 hours or longer,
then this is the package for you. This package allows
you to alternate train rides with many activities
such as games, swimming, cooking out, eating cake
or ice cream and opening presents. The price is just
$350.00 and provides you the advantage of flexibility
along with a very reasonable price.
Now offering the best in:
Food Catering Service: Tacos, Rice, beans and Free Salsa bar!
Facepainting and balloon artist
Dj music and Jumper Service
and Big Events
If you would like the Party Train
to attend your festival please contact us as soon
as possible. Our calendar fills up fast and we book
on a first come first serve basis.
You may hire us by the hour to provide
free rides or a shuttle service. If you hire us by
the hour you may sell tickets and keep the proceeds.
We will attend your festival for
free if you allow us to sell tickets and keep the
proceeds. If your event has a large attendance we
may be willing to pay a vendor fee and charge people
by the ride.

Call Ron 562-357-7256
E-mail: happybirthdaytrain4ron@yahoo.com